Network partnerships


AFIL (Italian Intelligent Factory Association) is an association born to facilitate research and innovation in the advanced manufacturing sector, promoting the best practices and technologies necessary to support and develop leadership, competitiveness and performance in the production system in Lombardy but also nationally and internationally.


AITI (Ticino Industries Association) is the main cantonal organisation of companies belonging to all branches of industry. AITI’s mission is to represent and support associated companies, to promote entrepreneurial values and to cooperate in local economic and social development working with the cantonal, national and international institutions.

Ated ITC Ticino

Ated - ICT Ticino is an independent association active in the Canton Ticino that brings together companies and organizations from the ICT sector of Italian Switzerland with the objective of promoting information technology in the area. The association promotes the use of new technologies also promoting a professional ethic among operators in the sector.

ATSC - Advanced Television Systems Committee

ATSC (Advanced Television Systems Committee) is an international, non-profit organization developing voluntary standards for digital television. The ATSC member organizations represent the broadcast, broadcast equipment, motion picture, consumer electronics, computer, cable, satellite, and semiconductor industries.

AUSED Association between Systems Users and Information Technologies

AUSED (Association between Systems Users and Information Technologies) is an independent non-profit association that brings together about two hundred companies belonging to different product sectors (industrial, manufacturing, services, public administrations). Companies operating in the ICT sector are also AUSED members.


The Coalition for Content Provenance and Authenticity (C2PA) is a project of the Joint Development Foundation, a Washington-based 501c6 non-profit, that brings together the efforts of the Content Authenticity Initiative (CAI) and Project Origin to collectively build an end-to-end open technical standard to provide publishers, creators, and consumers with opt-in, flexible ways to understand the authenticity and provenance of different types of media.


Cetif is the Research Center of Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore in Milan, which for more than 30 years has been conducting Conferences, promoting Research, delivering Executive and Master's courses on the dynamics of strategic, organizational and technological changeinthe financial, banking and insurance sectors.
In 2020 Cetif established Cetif Advisory, the university technology transferspin-off to translate academic research results into action.

Confindustria Bari and Barletta– Andria– Trani is the association that brings together the local industrialists to support economic and social progress in Apulia. The association acts for and on behalf of entrepreneurs in relations with institutions, PAs and trade union organisations.

Confindustria Bari and Barletta– Andria– Trani is the association that brings together the local industrialists to support economic and social progress in Apulia. The association acts for and on behalf of entrepreneurs in relations with institutions, PAs and trade union organisations.

Daisy-net is a limited liability, non-profit consortium company that was established to be the main hub of the Apulian ICT Competence Center-South

DAISY-Net is a limited liability, non-profit consortium company that was established to be the main hub of the Apulian ICT Competence Center-South, identifying changes in technological needs and innovation and transferring the best innovative technological solutions to enterprises.

Deutsche TV Platform is the association of numerous companies, associations and institutions involved in the development of digital media

Deutsche TV Platform is the association of numerous companies, associations and institutions involved in the development of digital media. These include public and private broadcasters, device manufacturers, infrastructure operators, service and technology providers, research institutes and universities, public authorities spanning all areas of the media value chain.

Digital Transformation Institute

Digital Transformation Institute - Research Foundation for Digital Sustainability is the first recognised Italian research foundation on digital sustainability, aimed at studying the dynamics of the "revolution of meaning" induced by digital transformation, with particular reference to the impacts on environmental, cultural, social and economic sustainability. It promotes an approach to technology and its impact on society based on the concept of digital sustainability as a tool for pursuing the objectives of Agenda 2030.


The DPP is the international association for media and technology. It provides member companies with the insight and connections they need to do business better, bringing the industry together to address the technology and operational needs of media businesses. It believes that openness, collaboration, and shared insight are key to success in a complex media environment in which no company can do everything itself.

ELITE is an international business support programme that combines training, mentoring and access to alternative sources of funding.

ELITE is an international business support programme that combines training, mentoring and access to alternative sources of funding. The ELITE programme supports enterprises in processes of cultural and organisational change bringing them closer to capital markets, improving relations with the banking and business system, and facilitating their path to internationalization.

GUPS - User Group and Prospect SAP

GUPS (User Group and Prospect SAP) is an independent platform that supports partner companies in creating a digital culture and fostering innovation in SAP. GUPS belongs to an international network of User Groups whose aim is to create opportunities for debate between SAP and users.

HbbTV (Hybrid broadcast broadband TV)

HbbTV (Hybrid broadcast broadband TV) is a global initiative aimed at harmonizing the broadcast and broadband delivery of entertainment services to consumers through connected TVs, set‐top boxes and multiscreen devices. The HbbTV specification is developed by industry leaders to improve the video user experience by enabling innovative, interactive services over broadcast and broadband networks.

HD Forum Italia

HD Forum Italia is an association established to promote, support and disseminate the use of audiovisual and multimedia content, high definition, ultra-high definition, 3D products and technologies and other emerging audiovisual solutions. HD Forum Italia gathers the major players in the Italian audiovisual sector to create a catalyst of experiences and drivers to adequately address an exceptional evolutionary scenario in a single association.

Inventor Lab is DigithON’s

Inventor Lab is DigithON’s continuous research laboratory. DigithON is a digital ideas’ marathon and an opportunity for startups to present their project to a scientific committee, while Inventor Lab’s objective is to bring together young people, startups and companies and to guide them along a process of digital transformation through the design and development of innovative digital projects.

The IT Production District is the association of organizations operating in Apulia in the field of research, development and production of IT technologies, products and services.

The IT Production District is the association of organizations operating in Apulia in the field of research, development and production of IT technologies, products and services. Associates of the District are Apulian IT enterprises, local universities, employers' associations and labour unions.

London Chamber of Commerce and Industry (LCCI)

The London Chamber of Commerce and Industry (LCCI) is the capital's largest independent networking and business support organisation. LCCI represents the interests of its members to key business stakeholders and influencers in London and further afield across all business sectors. It creates thousands of connections and offer a wide range of professional services.

MADE - Competence Center 4.0

MADE 4.0 Competence Center supports enterprises in their path of digital transformation towards Industry 4.0. It is also a technical consultant for companies that want to review their organizational and business models. MADE provides a broad range of digital technology knowledge, skills and tools spanning the entire product life cycle.

MedITech 4.0

MedITech 4.0 - Mediterranean Competence Center 4 Innovation is the multi-regional Competence Center, active in Apulia and Campania, born as a facilitator of the adoption of Industry 4.0 enabling technologies by SMEs and Public Administration and as a tool for disseminating culture and innovation practices in the production of goods and services on the national territory, in particular in the Mediterranean basin.  

Meditech counts on the collaboration of 5 Universities from Campania, 3 Universities from Puglia and 21 cutting-edge industrial players.    


The University College of Poggiolevante is the only male college of merit in Apulia, based in Bari, accredited by the Ministry of University and Research and promoted by the IPE, the non-profit institute for research and educational activities. The aim of the College is to provide additional training for non-resident students, including Erasmus students.