Partners for innovation
Fincons Group has co-funded the co-development of an e-commerce software platform, Commerce4media, alongside with Sky Italy. The platform responds to Sky Online's requirements (today Now TV) for personalisation of video services' pricing.
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Artificial Intelligence
Fincons is deeply involved in an European Commission project aimed at automating sign language for deaf viewers. The project, called Content4All, uses machine learning technology and algorithms to translate sign language for video content via a photo-realistic 3d human avatar that enables the distribution of customised low-cost content to the deaf community.
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Big data
Fincons is one of the major technology players in Big Data that "combines in-memory data grids, even brokering and stream analytics: Gigaspaces (insightedge); Gridgain (gridgain in-memory computing platform); Hazelcast (hazelcast + jet); Pivotal software (gemfire + greenplum connector); Striim (striim platform); Fincons (Fincons Fast Data Lake); Software ag (terracotta db + apama + universal messaging)."
Innovation Insight: The Digital Integration Hub Turbocharges Your API Strategy