Fincons Group sponsors ASD Pallavolo Bari

Fincons Group is supporting the male volleyball team for the 2018-2019 championship.

Fincons Group sponsors ASD Pallavolo Bari

The amateur sporting association Pallavolo Bari was born in 2017 as the brainchild of people sharing national and regional volleyball experience, that believe in the power of sport to communicate and create bonds between people, cities, regions and nations.

Michele Moretti, Fincons Group CEO, immediately grasped the importance of the project and chose to enthusiastically support the team in the coming championship season.

“Sustainability has long been part of our way of doing business. - explains Michele Moretti, Fincons Group CEO-We have constantly engaged with finding new projects to support with our investments over the years. The same goes for sport, where we have supported various youth teams in Switzerland and in Italy (football, basketball, volleyball and athletics teams to name a few), with the objective of promoting sport, physical activity and community spirit with initiatives that are not just relevant to athletes but to the development of all-round human beings.”

Sustainability Booklet