Alongside international NGOs to build a fairer world

We have been supporting UNICEF and GMFK- a cooperative focused on artists that takes care of their living and working conditions and promotes their talent- since 1994.

We support cancer research and the Associazione SOS Villaggi dei Bambini by funding SOS institutes in Africa, Asia, Latin America and Europe. We also contribute to the activities of AIDS-Hilfe Schweiz, an organisation with the objective of reducing HIV infection incidence and of improving the quality of life of HIV patients and their families by promoting solidarity.

We started supporting MS research in 2012 and Pro Infirmis- a Swiss organisation offering consulting services and assistance to people with disabilities and to their families- in 2013.

In addition to this, we offer our support to Caritas, Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) and, starting from 2014 also to Helvetas Swiss Intercooperation, an organisation that aims to intervene directly and lastingly on the living conditions of needy populations.

Sustainability Booklet